All Characters copyright of TenThirteen Productions and Chris Carter. No infringement intended on any part... go ahead, take me to court... I'm using the insanity defence... heh, heh, heh... Comments, complaints and just plain talk to Major Warning! This is most definitely a NC-17 story... or a bit stronger, if you want... depends on your POV; but you've been warned - so flames will be returned... with interest... This is also a sequel to Red and Black, another NC-17... but you don't have to have read that one to understand this - I hope... All thanks to my research assistant - The Wookie... I'd say the check is in the mail, but I prefer the barter system... 'Nuff said... ;-) Summary: NC-17, S - Mulder's turn... Black and White (NC-17) by Sheryl Martin Dana Scully scowled as she pulled into the parking spot and got out of the car, slamming the door hard enough to send small pieces of rust from the underside to the ground. It had been a bad day, to say the least. A bad week, to understate it more. She had been asked to teach for a few days back at Quantico; her old course and her old position. Nothing that difficult. But somehow she had become frustrated beyond belief at the smallest infraction by her students; the least problem becoming a crisis. Finally she had figured it out, sitting at her desk and marking a paper so hard that the pencil had finally snapped in two; ripping through the fragile paper. She was bored. She had somehow outgrown all this; all the teaching and the seminars and the classrooms at Quantico. She belonged out there in the field; looking for the answers to questions you never had a chance to ask in the sterile environment of an autopsy bay. With her partner. A smile touched her lips as she made her way to her apartment. With her lover, she mentally added. It had been only a few months since they had moved their relationship out of the professional into the personal area; but it seemed new every day. Every time his lips met hers; every time she woke up at night with his arms protectively curled around her; every time he raised an eyebrow at one of her theories in the office, promising a fight now and a reconciliation later; it was like the first time. It felt great. Except for now. He was off doing some interviews in Boston on some blasted abduction case, and here she was; home alone for the first time on a Friday night in months. It felt lousy. Pushing the door open, she dropped her briefcase just inside the door; reaching for the light switch. And hit another warm hand. Jerking back, her first instinct was to reach for her pistol until she heard the familiar chuckle in the darkness. With a sigh she closed the door behind her, letting her hand drop. "Mulder... damn you! I could have shot you." A set of arms came out of the dimly lit room to wrap around her; gathering her into his embrace. "Again. Shoot me again." Chuckling into his shirt, she leaned against him; letting him support her. "What's up with the interviews?" He shrugged, bouncing her head on his chest. "I got done early. Then I called Quantico and found out that you had left already instead of doing your last class; and I didn't want to wait until Monday to see you again." "At the office." "Where I can't be as nice to you as I'd like." His lips grazed hers. "Mind you, I've been thinking about my desk..." She laughed, pulling away. "And when we submit the chiropractor bills to the Claims department, you can explain it." "Gladly." The tall man followed her through the small apartment to the bedroom. "Give me a chance to make a good impression on them, considering all the other claims I've had to explain." Putting a hand on her forehead, the petite woman looked at herself in the small mirror. "I'm so tired, Mulder..." She sighed. He nodded, standing behind her so their eyes could meet. "I get that impression. I can go if you'd like..." "No." Turning quickly, she looked at him directly. "I don't want that. I just..." She frowned. "I'm just tired from babysitting a group of kids." "We were those kids once." "And now I know how our instructors felt." Her mouth twitched upwards with a soft laugh. "At least mine." "So..." One of his eyebrows arched upwards. "You're tired of being in charge?" She nodded with a weary sigh. "Totally." A devilish grin crept over Mulder's face as he slowly pulled his tie free from around his neck. "So you want me to lead?" Now it was time for her to grin, staring at the tie he held loosely in front of her; offering her a choice. And looking back up at his eyes, she could see how much he wanted to play. Hell, so did she. "Your lead, Mulder." Leaning over, she kissed him lightly on the lips. "But I swear, if you walk out and leave me tied to the bed I will hunt you down and shoot you again." "Promise?" "With all my heart." Standing still, she let her breath out slowly as he gently slipped the tie over her eyes, making a neat knot at the back as it settled on her face. "That all right?" His voice murmured into one ear, and she nodded. Her eyes tightly closed, she could only hear the man as he walked around behind her; in front of her; behind her again. Her ears strained to catch any sound, even the creaking of the wooden planks under his feet. A rustle of cloth behind her; of a zipper being undone and the familiar clunk of a set of shoes being tossed into a corner. She'd been unable to break him of that habit yet. Her inner eye visualised the stack of clothing being built in the small space; of the pants being carefully folded to lie atop the collection of shirt and underwear. If anyone had stranger habits, she had yet to hear of it. A low voice whispered into her left ear, making her jump with surprise. "I'll be ready for you in a minute. Don't move." The last two words were spoken with the tone he usually reserved for staring down Skinner or some law enforcement official who ticked them off. She waited. A few minutes later she felt fingers start to fumble with the front of her blouse; slipping the buttons free. From the initial jerkiness the hands eased into a smooth movement; working the silk apart carefully. Pushing it open, the hands moved around to expertly undo the small bra, letting the straps slip down her shoulders. She made a small movement; beginning to move her hands up to help him. "I told you not to move." The voice murmured. "I'm in charge here." She let a smile slip free; dancing on her lips before she clamped her mouth shut to bite back the comment. The hands moved over her again; pulling the blouse and bra down to carefully fall off her arms and to the floor. She mentally catalogued where they were for future reference when she wanted to blame him for some tear or stain. A cool breeze drifted across her bare skin; making her shudder. At least that's what she told herself. "Hmm... goosebumps." The voice seemed detached, almost clinical. "Have to do something about that. Don't want you to catch cold." Fingers danced over her midriff; making her twitch instinctively. They settled at the top of her slacks, one hand slipping inside while the other carefully undid the zipper and the button. Both hands returned to her hips as they helped the fabric shimmy down her legs and fall to the ground in a pile around her feet. "You wore the plain white ones today." His voice held a trace of disapproval. She almost laughed out loud. "I wasn't expecting to be..." Her words were cut off as a finger lay itself across her lips; the titch-titch of disapproval echoing in her ears. "I really don't want to gag you." Suddenly the voice was Mulder's again, careful and hesitant. "Just let me know when it's too much." She nodded, staying quiet. He moved away from her; kneeling down to pull her feet free and rid her of the knee-high stockings she had worn in place of pantyhose. With a last slow dance of his fingers he pulled down the panties and flipped them to the side; probably to land atop his pants. "Hmm..." His voice was clinical. "You seem kind of tense." No kidding. She shifted her weight from one foot to the other; glad that the apartment wasn't too cold. A finger grazed the inside of her left arm; trailing slowly up to the shoulder and down across her breast before disappearing again. Looking slyly under the edge of the tie, she could barely make out his feet on the floor. "You're cheating." The disapproval was evident. "I see that." She almost burst out laughing, but didn't. A hand came to rest atop her shoulder; moving to cup her chin daintily. "And I thought you had patience." His thumb ran lightly over her lips. "Open up." She obediently did so, her tongue playfully darting out to tease his finger. He jerked his hand back quickly. "Oh, you're a feisty one." A soft kiss at the side of her neck sent her mind spinning. "Here." Something pressed against her lips and slipped inside. With a frown she felt the small object in her mouth; rolling it around her tongue as she identified it. A cough drop. A menthol cough drop. Now she was really confused. A hand traced her cheekbone down along her face; playfully tickling the tip of her nose before continuing down to draw lazy designs over her front. She squirmed back and forth, trying to escape the roving hands, but didn't move from the spot. "You are well-trained." He murmured into one ear. She could hear the floorboards creak as he moved behind her; his hands tracing her shoulder blades as they continued their exploration of her body. "Maybe I won't have to use the handcuffs." She smiled. Score one for Scully. His voice came suddenly at one side; his lips pressed to her ear as he pressed himself against her from behind. "Or maybe I should..." She let a soft moan escape; feeling him shift from behind; moving back and forth as his hands cupped her breasts. His tongue flicked out to dance across her ear; mimicking the thrusting from his lower body. She couldn't help it. Reaching back, she grabbed at the bare skin; wanting to pull him closer as she moved her legs apart just enough... He chuckled. And pulled away. For a fast minute she ran through various autopsy techniques in her mind, wondering which one would suit him best. Suddenly he was there in front of her, his rapid breathing giving him away. She resisted the urge to reach out and grab him by the nearest part of his body and make certain demands. After all, he had behaved last time. A hand touched hers; fingers curled around her wrist lightly. "I'd say it's time for bed." A gentle tug forward, and she followed him. The bed was all of five feet away, but for some reason Scully felt like she had walked across the country as her knees bumped against the mattress. The voice chuckled. "Turn around and lie down." She did so, trying hard to not rip the blindfold off and end the game. If he had self-control, she had more. After all, she was a Scully. Sitting down on the bed, she pushed herself back up into the centre of the mattress, taking up the majority of the bed. "Hmm..." A hand touched her neck, just below her chin. Drawing a wavy line down the soft skin, it traced the outline of her ribs as it skittered southwards; pausing at the rippling of her stomach as she squirmed. "Ticklish? I'll have to remember that." He chuckled again. "Now let's have that cough drop back now..." His lips touched hers briefly, only long enough for his tongue to swoop down inside and retrieve the moist candy. She had barely enough time to remember that she had it in her mouth before it was gone; leaving nothing but the menthol taste. "Hmm..." Lips smacking. "You know what I like best about these? They're addictive..." A hand touched her left wrist, moving to place it over her head on the pillow. She let it lay on the cool sheet, inhaling the musky smell as he moved over her. "And this one as well..." He put her wrists together. "Now, as we don't have anything to actually tie them too..." The familiar snick-snack of handcuffs being unlocked came from her left. "I'll have to make you promise to keep your hands up there." The snug fur circles settled around each wrist; effectively binding her together. She twisted the chain experimentally; noting that it was in some way strangely comfortable. "Fine." His voice appeared at her left ear. "If you want me to take them off, say so." She shook her head, still trying to peek under the silk tie. She knew exactly how far she could go before her inner demons threatened; and knew that he would be acutely aware of the same. Impulsively she lifted her head and placed a wet kiss on what she guessed rightly to be his chest. His sudden gasp brought a wicked smile to her face. Two can play at this. "Not fair." He grumbled, trying to sound annoyed and failing. Smacking his lips, he crunched the cough drop between his teeth. "Time for the lesson to begin..." And he slowly bent over her; his tongue circling one breast with the lightest of touches. She gasped. The menthol from the cough drops had somehow created an incredible sensation of hot and cold and hot again; her skin bursting with feelings that defied explanation. Then he pressed his lips to one nipple and she thought she would die. Or had died and gone to heaven. The mouth made its way across her front; carefully administering equal attention to each breast, relishing her gasps and moans as the heated moisture reacted with the cool air. "Hmm..." He smacked his lips again. "Tasty." A finger wove its way down her body towards her navel before stopping. "And to think that you can get so many for a dollar..." She would have said something, but at that point any coherent thought beyond begging for more didn't exist. So she squirmed and writhed as his lips made their way down her body; his hands roaming along her tender skin up her arms to the handcuffs and back down. Until he was poised between her legs; the hands resting lightly on her midriff as he caressed the soft skin. And she wondered with what sanity she had left exactly where he had heard this thing about the cough drops. Then he pressed his mouth to her and she was lost. Completely and totally lost in a whirlwind of hot and cold and warmth and coolness and heat and frost and if he would just do that a little bit more... He stopped. The bastard stopped. A sound somewhere between a whimper and a growl broke loose; her hands instinctively pulling on the cuffs held above her head on an imaginary loop. She raised her head to try and see him; preparing to threaten him with any and everything she could think of. Suddenly his mouth was on hers; his body covering hers totally as he kissed her deeply, his breathing as ragged as hers. Pulling free, he began to move slowly atop her; not yet inside her, but close enough to tease and tantalise and continue the slow seduction of her body. Skin rubbed against skin in an ancient rhythm; their bodies fitting together so well that it had to have been fated to be, the promise of ecstasy ahead... Which couldn't be fast enough for her. Scully growled, lifting her face towards where she knew he had to be; sensing his breath as it grew more ragged and faster as he held himself over her, his arms fully extended on each side of her head. "Self-control." He muttered, making it sound more like a curse than a comment. "Some of us have it, some of us don't..." He moved against her again, sliding in the moisture he had created and added to. "And it's a good thing to learn, don't you think?" She smiled, guessing his reaction. Whipping her hands down quickly over his head, she pulled him to her; the handcuffs skidding along his bare back as he fell onto her with a muffled gasp. At the same time her legs snaked up to wrap themselves around his hips; effectively completing the connection he had taken such pains to avoid. So much for being in charge. Mulder groaned, suddenly finding himself trapped inside and atop the woman he loved; part of him laughing at the way she had so effectively turned the tables on him. Then she thrust her hips up; and his mind went to more immediate concerns. She heard him swallow deeply; his face buried in the pillow beside her head, his lips close enough to her ears that she could hear every anguished breath as she moved against him. Pulling the red fur up and down his back with her hands, she pulled him as close as she could to him and inside her, all of the tension from the last week dissolving in a rush of passion. He thrust deep; feeling the cuffs skid back and forth along his spine, her legs tensing around his hips as her entire body coiled like a spring; waiting to be tripped at any second. Not that he was far behind. Oh, no. In fact, if he didn't watch himself he would have some major problems to deal with; mostly in the area of embarrassment. So he gritted his teeth and increased the tempo; rocking back and forth on the bed as she gripped him tightly, soft whimpers breaking free to be matched by his own moans. She was so close, so very close... and if he would just... one more... just one more... Her fingers dug into his bare skin; straining at the cuffs as she tossed her head back with a cry, her entire body convulsing around him in almost painful spasms. He felt the first waves hit him; contract around him so tightly that for a second he honestly worried about passing out, then the full sensation hit and rocked him, body and soul. Falling atop her, he let out one long, weary groan of completion. Gasping for air, Scully pulled her weary arms up along his back to pull down the blindfold. Her fingers then returned to the head nestled in the curve of her neck; caressing his dark hair as she waited for his eyes to open. Mulder opened his eyes slowly; trying to focus. A sheepish smile crept over his face as he looked at her. "You didn't play fair." He attempted to pout, but could only laugh. She shrugged, displaying the cuffs. "Well, they do teach us to turn every situation to our advantage..." With another laugh he reached over and retrieved the key from the table top; expertly undoing the handcuffs. He frowned at the slight red marks marring the white skin. "You okay?" The sated look on his face turned to one of concern. Pressing his lips to the inside of the chafed area, he kissed it gently. She nodded, rubbing one wrist. "Ah... I think I did that on your back." Mulder raised one eyebrow. "And how are you going to explain that one to Skinner if he notices?" Reaching down, she pulled the thick comforter over them with a soft chuckle. "We've got all weekend. They'll be gone by then." "Oh." His face fell. "Guess that's a no for next time, then..." Curling around him catlike, she kissed him softly; still tasting the menthol on his tongue. "I didn't say that. I just said the marks would be gone by then." His grin lasted all night. ************** "You've become a world-class hopeless romantic." "Not hopeless... hopeful. A world-class hopeful romantic." Joan Wilder -- Romancing The Stone