Aphrodisia VI - In the Wake of the Devil's Instant (1 of 5) Kristel St. Johns kjohns@chaos.x-philes.com Rating: NC-17 Classification: SR Archive: Yes. (Redistribute with permission only, and with headers and disclaimers intact.) Spoilers: S7 through "Orison" Timeframe: After "Orison" Keywords: Mulder/Scully Romance, Smut Summary: The events of "Orison" affect Mulder and Scully's relationship and the developing D/s dynamic. Author's Notes and Assorted Blatherings: Thank you always to my betas and test-reading crew: Indi, Jennifer, Tiff, Shelba, Beth and Nancy. DISCLAIMER: The characters of Fox Mulder and Dana Scully, And The X-Files do not belong to me. They are the property Of FOX Television, 1013 Productions, Chris Carter, David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson. They are used here without permission. No profit is being made by their use in this story. WARNING: This story contains graphic depiction of sexual activities between consenting adults, including BDSM- related activities. It is in no way, shape, or form intended for younger readers. If you are under the age of 17 or sensitive to this kind of material, do not proceed. Thank you. If you have questions about the subject matter contained herein, check out the resources page on my website, http://www.geocities.com/kristeljohns. This story is part of a series and will make much more sense if you read the other parts first. You can find those at my website as well. Feedback is welcomed at kjohns@chaos.x-philes.com APHRODISIA VI - In the Wake of the Devil's Instant Too much of my life has been based on what-ifs. What if Samantha had never been taken? What if Scully had never been assigned to the X-Files? What if I'd been just thirty seconds later reaching her apartment the night Donnie Pfaster came back for a return engagement? What if I'd been thirty seconds earlier? Would anything have changed? I don't know--Christ, I don't know. Don't look any further, Mulder. Yeah. Right. * * * * * Scully stayed alone in her apartment Sunday night. There was too much going on that day, and though we spent our nights together whenever possible, sometimes it just wasn't practical. That was okay. Monday morning, Donald Addius Pfaster escaped from prison. By Monday afternoon, Scully and I were on the investigation to find him again. We didn't find him--he found us. More precisely, on Wednesday, he found Scully. I'm a fucking profiler and it took me precious hours to put together where he might go if he had no place else. I can excuse it by saying I didn't want to get into his head. I would have done anything to avoid it. That's why, at the earliest opportunity, I bugged the hell out of there with Scully in tow. I was in Donnie's head ever so briefly once before, and I didn't want to go there again. What's more, I didn't want Pfaster to have a chance to make his way into Scully's mind again. I could see it happening already--for whatever reason, when we'd investigated the Pfaster case the first time around, he'd gotten to her. *No one* gets to Scully. Call me a Neanderthal, but if anyone's allowed to penetrate the formidable fortress of her brain, it's me and no one else. So even though the federal marshal was clueless, I didn't offer to stick around and help. Instead, I booked two tickets on the first flight available out of Chicago. "I--um, I think I need to be alone tonight, Mulder," Scully said after I announced I was going to go home, ditch my dirty clothes, grab a suit for the next day and return to stay the night with her. "Scully--" I wanted to argue. She hadn't been herself since we'd gotten the call about Pfaster, and I couldn't blame her. The horror of Pfaster's crimes had touched her personally, long before he ever got a hold of her and nearly made her his next victim. That she was unsettled was natural and expected. That I wanted to help her was also natural and expected--but in this case, not an option. I wanted to get him out of her head, shield her from his intrusion into her psyche. But the bottom line was Scully didn't want to be shielded. She wanted to cope with it alone, as she so often does. I didn't have to be happy about it--I just needed to respect her wishes. "I know you want to be here for me, Mulder. You want to comfort me and help me work through this, and I appreciate it, really I do. But tonight, I need to pull *myself* together and decompress. So go home, Mulder. I'll call you later, okay?" There was no way I could argue with her. She'd already tolerated more protectiveness from me on this case than she would put up with normally. She hadn't torn me a new asshole when I tried to convince her to go home the first time, even though we'd already had that discussion before leaving Washington. She hadn't objected when I wrapped myself around her in the hotel in Illinois as though I would be her physical shield from the world and clung to her through the night like a newly sprouted 6'1" appendage. She hadn't protested when I told her there was no longer an X-File for us to investigate, so it was okay for us to go home, even though we both knew I'd hung around on cases where our help was less welcome for flimsier excuses. She was making a simple request--to give her some time to work it out--and I couldn't deny her that. So I dropped her off at her apartment--where she hadn't even kissed me good-bye--and went home alone. I didn't stop worrying, though. Not for an instant -- until I heard the song as I brushed my teeth. That's when I finally let my mind drift. At that point, I quit worrying and started wondering. If I were Donald Addius Pfaster, where would I go? I was a scavenger, not a predator. I didn't hunt my victims--I started out taking them when they were already dead, or I lured them to me, or grabbed them when they chanced to pass by. But I hated--oh, how I hated. I hated that bitch who gave birth to me and her gaggle of bitch daughters who could never do any wrong, who teased me and taunted me as I grew up awkward and alone and frustrated. I hated the youngest of them, only 17 months older than I, when she screamed about cooties whenever I toddled across her path, and I hated the oldest of them when she called me a pervert when she caught me masturbating. I would have hated my pussy-whipped father, except he was too pathetic to hate. He just didn't know how to handle the girls, didn't know what to do to show them how worthless they really were. He didn't know that if you took away their pretty hair and pretty nails, they were no better than us rough, clumsy creatures called men. So now I'm free and I can take every last one of those girly-girls down a peg, one at a time. I can show them what it feels like to be rough and ugly, show them how it feels to be humiliated. But where do I begin? And that's when it occurs to me--I begin with that uppity FBI girly-girl who landed me in prison because she just didn't know when she was supposed to die. The one who had the audacity to sit there on the stand and plead for my life with her hair and nails perfectly neat and styled, looking across the courtroom at me with revulsion and pity co-mingled in her gaze. I bolted out of bed and broke land-speed records on my way to Scully's apartment. What if I hadn't allowed myself to profile Pfaster? What if that stupid song hadn't tweaked me? What if I'd been too late? I'd spent the entire case in a state of denial, refusing to listen to what she was saying, wanting nothing more than to get the hell out of there and get her away from anything related to Pfaster. What if my stubborn refusal to look any further had killed her? Fuck. * * * * * "You've got to stop this, Scully," I said at last on Friday, after nine days in which she had done little but pace and sleep in my apartment, not returning to her own. She was sleeping too damned much, a sure sign of depression. She was suspended until the shooting inquiry could be conducted and with her work taken from her, she had little to occupy her time. But that didn't mean she should sleep it all away. Not that I had any better suggestions for what she could do. Besides, I rather liked knowing where she was every minute. "Don't start," she warned me. "I murdered a man, Mulder. I don't care how you want to dress it up for the board of inquiry, I killed him in cold blood, so don't try to comfort me, okay?" "I'd hardly call it cold blood, Scully. At the very worst, it was a result of the trauma of being attacked. You'd just been through hell. There's not a jury in this country that would convict you." "That's because they don't *KNOW*!" she yelled, clenching her fists at her sides. "Mulder, I know you don't want to believe it of me, but that shooting was one hundred percent premeditated. As I crawled across the floor to get my gun, I wasn't thinking of getting away or saving my own life. I was thinking about nothing else but putting Pfaster down. Don't tell me it was trauma or temporary insanity, because I was well aware that it would be wrong, that I could subdue him and cuff him and call the cops, or just get away, but *I DIDN'T CARE*. I killed him, Mulder. I planned it and I did it. And what's bothering me isn't that I killed him, but the fact that it *isn't* bothering me. So don't try to tell me it's all right, because I know right from wrong, and it just didn't matter then." I stared at her a long moment, my jaw clenched in frustration. She was right, of course, in a way. By the letter of the law, she had committed murder. And anyone who ever learned what had passed through her mind when she made her life-and-death struggle across her bedroom floor would see it. Our only saving grace was that the board of inquiry was bending over backwards to justify the shooting. No one wanted to destroy a respected and highly qualified agent for taking down a piece of shit like Pfaster. But if that made her evil, then what was I? Her eyes widened and her head swiveled to stare at me. "What did you say?" Realizing I'd said the last part aloud, I raised my voice and repeated, "If you hadn't done it, Scully, I probably would have. What does that say about me?" "You don't know that, Mulder." "The hell I don't!" I hissed as I crouched over, getting in her face as she glowered at me. "There was no other thought in my head as I drove to your apartment that night but what I was going to do to that evil fuck if he had hurt you. I wasn't planning justice, Scully, I was planning revenge. Malice aforethought. And when I saw you-- when I asked you if he had hurt you-- when I saw you *bleeding*-- I was ready to pull the trigger. I would have done it, Scully, without batting an eye. I had every intention of killing him--you just got there first. Either way, the result would have been the same. Donnie Pfaster would still be dead, and I wouldn't regret my actions any more than you do now." "No, Mulder--no!" She shook her head in adamant denial. If I had seen fear or revulsion in her eyes, I don't think I could have borne it. But I couldn't regret that I had fully intended to see Pfaster dead that night. Not after what he had done, or almost done, to Scully. If anything, I was less noble than she--her need to see Pfaster brought down, legally or no, was because of the horror of his crimes against all his victims. Mine was fueled solely by my need to protect--or at the very least avenge--her. And it wasn't the first time I'd planned to commit mayhem in retribution for harm done to Scully. As she lay in a coma after being abducted, I'd sat in my darkened apartment waiting to ambush the men who'd taken her, to take my rage out on them. I would have killed them, or been killed by them, for no more reason than I'd wanted to avenge the wrong done to the woman I loved. If not for a timely intervention, I would have done it. It was odd. There had been moments over the years, when I'd faced someone like Krycek or Cancerman in the heat of the moment, wanting to kill them and yet I ended up walking away. I'm not a loose cannon, not prone to shooting first and asking questions later. I can contain my violent impulses. Any time I've considered pulling the trigger in an instant of anger, I've been able to back down. No, the only times I've been truly willing to kill were the times I've had a chance to think about it first and decide that the right and wrong just didn't matter. When Scully was in that coma, I'd cornered C.G.B. Spender in his apartment and waved my gun in his face, but ultimately hadn't been able to kill him. But when Scully was in the hospital dying with cancer, I'd faced Spender yet again and told him that if Scully died, I'd put him down--and meant it. What did that say about me, I wondered. "Do you think I'm evil, Scully?" "No, Mulder--" she reached out to me, a flash of tears in her eyes. That was progress. She'd dealt with this as she so often did with any trauma--she closed up shop emotionally until she could regain her equilibrium. She'd been dry-eyed and stoic for over a week, unwilling to touch or be touched. She'd showered several times a day, and her skin looked raw and dry. "I'd never think that of you. You know that." "Yeah," I muttered. My resolve not to touch her, to let her proceed at her own pace, disintegrated. I grabbed her by the hand she extended to me and pulled her close. I clutched her to my chest and buried my face in her hair. I did what I'd been wanting to do from the moment Donnie Pfaster went down for the final count but hadn't because she'd been so damned skittish--I held her like I would never release her again. "I nearly lost you again, Scully. Do you have *any* idea what I would do to keep that from ever happening? Nothing else matters to me. Nothing at all." "Oh, God, Mulder..." she whispered against my chest. She clung to me, trembling slightly in my arms. She gripped my upper arms tightly, not letting me go--as if I would leave if I could. "I'm going to get past this," she finally said, her voice muffled in my shirt. "I've got to. I can't let that sick bastard have any more of my life." "You will," I said softly, stroking her back. "You're better than him, Scully. That's what it boils down to--he was just a sick, evil fuck and you--you're an angel. Well, an avenging angel, maybe, with a wicked right hook..." I felt her chuckle and I relaxed, breathing a sigh of relief. We were going to be okay. "Hey, whaddya say we go back to your place tomorrow and start getting things cleaned up? Your neighbors are going to bitch about the crime scene tape if we don't take it down soon." She stiffened against me and drew a deep, shuddering breath. It was a long moment before she replied. "Yeah," she said at last. "Yeah. Let's do it." * * * * * I wasn't sure which was worse--the puddles of wax from candles that had burned obliviously in the bathroom long past the moment Pfaster went down for the count, or the slivers of glass covering the bedroom floor. I didn't want Scully cleaning the glass--I'd seen the cuts all over her arms, legs, and belly. If I had any say in the matter, I wasn't letting her near it. She collected the globs of wax scattered throughout the bathroom while I took a broom to the bedroom. It was a mess. I damned my fertile imagination as I envisioned Scully dragging herself through the broken glass to her weapon, ignoring the pain and the blood as she fought for her life. Shit. What I wouldn't do to Pfaster if he weren't already dead... The bookcase had gotten twisted in its fall and needed to be replaced. It tottered precariously as I attempted to load books back onto the shelves. Down below, there were tiny smears of dried blood on the hardwood from Scully's life-or-death struggle across the floor. I grimaced and made my way to the kitchen to retrieve a wet towel and some detergent to try to remove the stains. That was when I found her. "Scully--God, Scully, stop. I'll do that." I grabbed her shoulders as she rocked back and forth, rubbing a ruined towel across the large dried bloodstain where Donnie Pfaster had lain. We had consciously skirted it upon our arrival and had been diligently avoiding it since. Until now. "I know how squeamish you get, Mulder," Scully said tiredly, a hitch in her voice. I could tell she meant it as a joke, but her heart wasn't in it. Her head was bowed and I couldn't see her face, but I was willing to bet there were tears staining her cheeks. "So what? So I'll puke and have to clean that up too. Damn it, Scully, just stop, all right?" She roughly pulled away from my hands and threw the cloth on the floor. Browning smears of dried blood were streaked across her hands. "I made the fucking mess, Mulder! I can clean it up," she snapped. She glared up at me and I stepped back, my hands held up in as non-threatening a manner as I could manage. It hurt to move away from her. I was right--there were tears on her face. Tears for that piece of shit, Pfaster. "It's not going to come out," she muttered woodenly at last after several moments spent in futile scrubbing. "The flooring will have to be stripped, maybe even replaced." She was right, of course. The stain had been setting into the hardwood planks for days. The thick, coppery smell from her wetting the dried blood was nauseating even from where I stood, and Scully was sitting there in the thick of it. "Come on, Scully, get up. We'll call a cleaning service to take care of the rest of this and your super can handle getting a contractor in here for the floor. This was a rotten idea--I thought it might help, but I was wrong. We shouldn't have come here." "No, Mulder, I needed to come back here. This is my home, and I'm damned if I'll let that bastard ruin it for me," she shrugged tiredly. "I thought maybe I'd sleep in my own bed tonight." "Not tonight, but soon," I promised, extending a hand to her. "Are you feeling too closed in at my place? Want to get a room instead? Someplace nice, with a fireplace and Jacuzzi and king-sized bed?" I gave an exaggerated leer in an attempt to make her smile. "Someplace too classy for magic fingers?" "No," she sighed, finally taking my hand and letting me pull her to her feet. "I'd rather be at your place than anywhere." I blinked, surprised by the admission. I always thought she only tolerated my place because I was there. We spent a lot of time there, yes, but I never thought Scully particularly liked my apartment, especially not after being assaulted in my foyer during the Padgett case. "You know you can stay as long as you need to," I said finally. Scully nodded and looked down at her bloodstained hands. "Go wash up and I'll grab some clothes for you, okay?" When I was done packing several days' worth of clothes for her, I found her in the bathroom, staring pensively at her bathtub. The remnants of Pfaster's ceremonial candles were gone, but nothing could ever erase the memory of what he'd planned to do to Scully once he got her into that tub. "I used to love taking baths," she murmured, staring blankly at the tile floor. "Long, hot bubble baths that I could soak in for hours. But I tried to take one the other day at your place while you were gone and I couldn't." I didn't know what she wanted me to say, so I remained silent. If she needed to talk, I was here to listen. Sometimes, my role wasn't to offer comfort or reassurance, but just to be a sounding board, as she so often was for me. "After Tooms and Duane Barry broke into my apartment, I moved up here. I loved this apartment building, but I didn't feel safe on the ground floor anymore, so when they had a unit open upstairs, I moved. But it didn't help, Mulder. They can still get to me. Krycek and Luis Cardinal shot Melissa here. Now Donnie Pfaster...I feel like if I give up the apartment I'll be admitting defeat, but I don't feel safe here anymore. I don't know how I managed to live here so long." I could understand that--I needed an abacus to keep track of the number of violations of my own apartment. I, too, would be damned before I let them have that victory over me. "Do you want to move in with me, Scully?" I asked before I even realized I intended to make the offer. "Not that my apartment is any great shakes where security is concerned, but if you feel safer there..." She shook her head, giving me a small smile. "No. Thank you, though. Even if I thought we could do it, there's really not enough room." "Someplace else, then. We could buy Byers' house, maybe. It's not great, but we could afford it on two G-folk's salaries, and I've got some life insurance money left from my father." Scully sighed, smiling fondly at me. "I appreciate the offer, Mulder, but it's probably not a good idea right now. Thanks for trying, though." I shrugged. "I'm not just offering because I think I should, or because I think that's what you want, Scully. I'd be more than happy to do it. All you have to do is say the word and I'm there." She nodded, leaning wearily against the sink. "I know you mean it. I do. But we do still have work to consider. Right now, it's easy to keep our relationship out from under the eyes of anyone who would question its effect on our work. What you're proposing would change that." I gave a discontented frown. Within a two-minute conversation, I went from not even having considered moving in with Scully to proposing it to actually being disappointed when she refused. "Makes you wonder if our priorities are out of whack," I muttered, turning away. I picked up the bag I had packed for Scully and walked out of the bathroom without waiting for a reply, or even to see if she'd actually heard me. "I'm ready to go when you are," I tossed back over my shoulder. End of Aphrodisia VI, part One Aphrodisia VI - In the Wake of the Devil's Instant (2 of 5) Kristel S. Oxley-Johns kjohns@chaos.x-philes.com My comment about our priorities surprised me. For all Scully's talk about getting out of the damned car, I was the one finding myself increasingly discontented with the direction of my life. Once upon a time, I would have said there was nothing more important to me than my work. Once upon a time, not long before Scully, I might have even meant it. But that was long ago, and these days I wasn't sure I even recognized the man I was then. I sure as hell didn't like him. Let's face it--I'm not a hero. My motivation has always been enlightened self-interest. I wanted to know what had happened to my sister--if that meant unraveling an international conspiracy and revealing the government's duplicity to the public, great, but that was never my goal. I had a brief flirtation with self-imposed martyrdom around the time I learned the truth I'd been seeking was that extra-terrestrials were going to colonize the planet unless I stopped them. At that time, I thought surely I would live and die for the cause of exposing the conspiracy and preventing the annihilation of the human race. Eventually, I was appalled at my own egocentricity. There was no way I was going to save the planet on my own, even with Scully's help. We were there to set the wheels in motion, perhaps. It's an important task, but I was deluding myself if I envisioned my destiny as being the savior of mankind. So now I was caught in the middle, between wanting the life so many others live in blissful oblivion and possessing the power to stop what I knew could be coming. The knowledge I had would prevent me ever having the one, but denied me access to the other. Scully and I did have a job to do, and it was an important job. But that didn't mean we had to sacrifice everything that makes life worth living to do it. I refused to feel guilty for wanting to seize some modicum of normalcy for myself. Once we arrived back at my apartment, Scully nearly drove me out again with a stick. "You've been hovering all week, Mulder," she pointed out when I argued. "Go to the Y, play some basketball for a while, have some fun, would you?" "Maybe I want a quiet afternoon at home with you," I replied, unwilling to leave her alone after what she'd been through. I wasn't quite confident enough yet to venture a playful pout. "And maybe I need some time to myself right now. Don't worry--in case you didn't notice, Pfaster's dead," she said acerbically. "It's not likely he'll come back from the grave to get me." I could argue that we'd seen precedents for precisely that event happening, but I wisely remained silent. In the end, it was Scully's request that I leave her alone for a while that got me to go. The irony did not escape me that I'd just been ejected from my own apartment by a woman who recently refused to move in with me. I had to admit it was nice to burn off some of the excess energy that had accumulated for more than a week of watching over Scully. A couple of pick-up games later, I jogged home to find my apartment redolent with the smells of roast chicken. Scully peered out at me from the kitchen door and leaned against the archway, arms crossed over her chest as I kicked off my tennis shoes. "I swear you are the only man on the planet who can make sweats look sexy," she announced after a moment. I recognized that husky tone of voice well, but it was the last thing I expected to hear coming from Scully any time soon. I stared at her a bit warily, unsure of how to react. Getting horny seemed an inappropriate response in light of her present emotional struggle, though I was undeniably turned on by her tone of voice. Checking my baser impulses, I gave an exaggerated sniff of the sweatshirt I had donned upon leaving the YMCA to keep me from freezing on the run home. "You wouldn't be saying that if you were standing downwind." "You're such a romantic. You'll notice I'm wisely keeping my distance," she deadpanned. "Lest the reality of your...bouquet...shatter my delusions. And if *you're* wise, you'll go shower. Dinner's almost ready." "Yes, Milady," I attempted to click my sock-clad heels together and gave a jerky bow. I stripped my sweatshirt and tank top off as I made my way to the bathroom. Underneath the shower's hot spray (no wussy low-flow showerheads in my older apartment building, thankfully) I pondered Scully's mood shift. Once upon a time, I thought *I* was mercurial, but there were times Scully had mood changes that left my head spinning, especially when she was coming off an emotional upset. By the time I emerged from the shower, it was entirely possible, likely even, that she'd be brooding once more. I'd been on the roller coaster with her more than once, as she had with me. The only thing to do was to hang on for the ride. I was surprised by a burst of cold air and turned to see the shower curtain sliding open, revealing a very naked Scully stepping into the shower with me. She arched an eloquent eyebrow at my look of consternation. "Huh. Betcha thought I was joking when I said you were sexy in sweats," she said without preamble, pressing me back against the tile wall and kissing her way across my chest. I yelped as the cold ceramic touched my wet skin. "I just didn't interpret the idle comment as an offer," I replied, my voice surprisingly steady considering the southerly course of her lips. "You should know I don't tease, Mulder." Her tongue stroked the soft skin of my groin as she sank to her knees. "Yeah, but there's a difference between flirting and teasing." Christ, she was licking everywhere but my rapidly and painfully stiffening cock. "Me? I never flirt," she answered, batting her eyes coquettishly at me. God, had it only been two weeks since we'd last had made love? I was suddenly horny as a teenager. Trying to be sensitive, though, I laid a hand on Scully's face to stop her. "Scully, you don't--" "Hush, Mulder," she said with a gentle smile. "I'm concentrating." Her mouth engulfed my cock, hot and wet, her tongue stroking firmly across the sensitive head. I groaned, my head falling back and my eyes snapping shut. I felt her hands on my thighs and knew I was utterly at her mercy. Perhaps that was the point. I wondered if I should stop her, and if she'd be pissed off if I did. If she needed to feel as though she was in control, this was a good way to do it, and perhaps it would be wrong to disrupt that. Of course, it would also be wrong to take advantage of it, but there were certain parts of me demanding I at least give her the benefit of the doubt. My hands fell on hers where they rested on my thighs and she laced her fingers intimately with mine, holding me while her mouth caressed me. I could feel her eyes on me, watching my reactions. I didn't make any particular effort to hold back, but instead let her lips and teeth and tongue work their magic on my senses. I was reduced to guttural moans when she began humming, the vibrations running up my cock and through my body. When I finally opened my eyes, hers were shut, her expression serene. I let my head fall back and allowed the sensations to carry me away. Several long moments later, I helped her to her feet and, clutching her close to my chest, moved us both back under the hot stream of the shower. I kissed her, tasting my own salty ejaculate on her tongue, holding her tightly as the water cascaded around us. I thanked the fates for old apartment buildings and inexhaustible quantities of boiler- supplied hot water. I washed her tenderly, my soapy hands running over her soft, slick skin and stood patiently while she returned the favor. "What about dinner?" I asked, suddenly remembering that she'd been cooking. "I turned the oven off. It'll keep." "You gonna be all right?" "Of course. I'll be fine." "Uh-huh." "Don't, Mulder." "Scully--" I let my head fall back, squeezing my eyes in frustration and letting the water rush over my face. After a long moment, I looked at her again. "I don't want you to hide anything from me." She smirked, glancing down at her nude body. "Does it *look* like I'm hiding--" her voice trailed off and an odd expression crossed her face, freezing my next sentence in my throat unspoken. "What?" I asked when her lips twitched. "Just--recollecting. You said almost the exact same thing to me five years ago when we first encountered Donnie Pfaster, remember?" *I don't want you to feel you have to hide anything from me,* the voice of the past whispered in my ear, soft and intimate, from a day in our relationship where every move was hesitant and threatened to disrupt the delicate balance we'd reached. Scully was back from her abduction only a short time when suddenly we found ourselves in Minneapolis investigating a death fetishist. I'd never forget that case--never forget how shaken Scully had been by the sheer horror and hatred that fueled those crimes. I'd known it was bothering her, but I was at a loss as to how to help her without trampling her precious sense of independence. I'd never forget how it might have been Scully's coppery hair in Pfaster's pillow and her elegant, infinitely capable fingers in his icebox--or the moment her reserve had shattered and she'd cried in my arms. I'd always remember how desperately I loved her in that moment of vulnerability, and how close I'd come to losing her again that night. "I remember," I murmured, slicking my hair back from my face. "But things are different now." "Yes," she acknowledged. "They are. And I swear, I'm not trying to deflect you or repress the trauma or any of that. I just need to reclaim what's good in my life, Mulder. Pfaster can't have that; it's not allowed." "Okay," I sighed with a nod of resignation. I had to trust that if she needed my help, or my comfort, she'd let me know. "But if there's anything you need--anything I can do..." "I will, Mulder," she cut me off. "I promise. Now let's get out of here before dinner gets cold." * * * * * Later that night, Mulder and I lay spooned on the sofa, watching the late news. For the first time since last Thursday, there was no mention of the shooting of escaped murderer Donald Pfaster. We'd gotten numerous calls from reporters wanting to interview me, which I declined for obvious reasons. Luckily, the media was painting me as the victim and heroine, not as a villain. It was yet another reason why the board of inquiry investigating the shooting was anxious to exonerate me--anything else would look bad for the Bureau. I wasn't sure how I felt about that, though. We lay silently together through the weather forecast and sports news, and then the newscast went on to a human interest story. Bored, I rolled so that I lay on my back in front of Mulder, looking up at him as he propped himself up on an elbow. "You don't really think our priorities are out of whack, do you?" I asked, frowning. His offhand comment had been nagging at me the entire day, perhaps more for the hint of anger it revealed than anything else. Part of me had wanted to say yes to his proposal, and part of me was frightened by it. There were too many uncertainties in our lives right now--I wasn't sure it would be wise to start making plans at this time. Perhaps day-by-day was the only sane way to proceed with our lives. He sighed. "Honestly, Scully, sometimes I don't know. Sometimes it sure as hell does feel like maybe we've got our priorities wrong." I watched silently as he collected his thoughts. "When I-- when I was taken from the hospital, when I was operated on, I had--I don't know. A dream, I guess. Maybe a vision. Whatever it was, it was vivid, and it was very real. And in that vision, I left everything behind--the X-files, the truth, even you...I abandoned everything and went after that elusive entity known as a normal life. I think I didn't take you with me because I knew you'd never go, you'd never let me do it. You're noble enough to make the sacrifice. But it was wrong, Scully--everything was wrong. And eventually everything around me died--not just the people, but the whole world, and I knew that by giving up, *I* had caused it. No doubt I have a terminal case of hubris to presume that what we do would have that sort of impact, or that it all rests on me, but I think it's apparent that what we're doing is right. And I'm sure it's selfish to resent the fact that what we do demands a certain sacrifice--a sacrifice I'm *not* sure I'm willing to make, at least not entirely. I don't think it's wrong to try to stake out some happiness for ourselves in the midst of everything." I blinked, stunned by the admission. This wasn't the Fox Mulder I'd grown used to over the years. That Mulder had little room in his life for anything except the quest. It was frightening now to be the singular focus of his attention. "I don't know what to say, Mulder. I don't believe it's hubris to think we serve a higher cause. At the most basic, we're law enforcement officers. We put our lives on the line to protect those who can't protect themselves and to see justice met. That in itself qualifies as a higher cause. Beyond that, well--I don't know anymore. It probably is presumptuous to think the fate of the world rests on our actions. In the final analysis, that's all we are--law enforcement officers. We've seen things that most law enforcement personnel don't see, we've trod on toes a little higher in the hierarchy than most investigators get to trample, but in the end, the concept is the same. And I don't see that we're required to make any sacrifices beyond what any of our colleagues make. They have normal lives, families, houses, dogs...and so could we, if we chose to." "How can you say that after all you've lost in the course of the work?" he demanded, a little angrily. "Are you saying any of this might have happened if you'd gone into private practice or taught at Quantico or gotten assigned to some field office somewhere?" "Maybe. Who's to say it wouldn't have happened, but for other reasons?" I sat up abruptly, swinging my legs around to hang off the sofa while his stomach pressed against my hips and back. I raised my voice, agitated at being asked to second-guess the rather clear-cut course of our lives. Things were what they were; why did we need to question that? "What's the use of dealing in abstracts? There's no predicting these things, and there's damned sure not any way to look back and say 'this would never have happened if I'd done such-and-such,' because you *just don't know.* I think if you're guilty of hubris, Mulder, it's in assuming responsibility for everything bad that has happened, to me and to you, over the last seven years. You once told me that it was fate--who's to say that we wouldn't have been fated to endure the same trials if our lives had been different?" He was silent. There was no answer he could give me and he knew it. "Mulder, we chose this life. We chose to make the sacrifices, to take the risks. Not that I don't imagine we're discussing more than our living arrangements here, but let's just stick with that metaphor. Sure, we could move in together--but at what cost? Do we *want* to take the chance that we'll be separated and reassigned at work? Do we want to go back to doing background checks and wiretap surveillance? Now maybe, if we were other agents, we'd be able to get away with setting up house together without being separated, but the fact is, you and I tend to be under a lot more scrutiny than other agents, and we've got some black marks against us. But we could still do it- -if we chose to. I just don't think that's what we want." "Sometimes I don't know what I want, Scully," he mumbled, covering his face with his hands and rubbing his eyes wearily. "I want you, I know that. I want you safe, I want you happy...And sometimes I think, yeah, I think maybe I'd be willing to give up the work for that. I'm not like you. You got into this because you believed in truth, justice, and the American way. I got in it because I wanted to find the truth about my sister. Frankly, my motivation is a little easier to let go of and not feel like a heel." I blew out a frustrated breath. "Don't do that, Mulder. Don't put me on a pedestal. I didn't join the FBI for some high ideal--I joined because I wanted to do something *other* than what was expected of me, because I wanted to upset the nice, tidy apple cart of who Dana Scully was. And it's not up to you to ensure my safety or happiness," I said firmly, a little annoyed that he would presume to take on that duty. "That's my responsibility. And I choose to do what I'm doing. It's the right thing to do. And whether or not you acknowledge it, when it comes down to the wire, you always choose to do what's right, no matter what your initial inclination is." Suddenly my ire fled. If something was rubbing me the wrong way, it wasn't Mulder's fault and I had no right taking it out on him. I leaned over him where he lay propped up on his elbow and gave him a teasing smile. "I'm afraid, Agent Mulder, you're not quite the selfish pig you like to tell yourself you are." Suddenly, he rolled over onto his back and pulled me down on top of him. I stretched my legs until I lay flush atop his body, my chin resting on my hands on his chest. We sat there a long while simply staring at each other. "I don't think our priorities are a problem," I said finally, decisively. "We're together--that's certainly number one. And we've got our work. We've managed to find a satisfactory balance between the two; so I guess if it's not broke..." "Hmm," he nodded in acknowledgment, if not acceptance. "Perhaps I was just greedy enough to want more, to want it all, no negotiating, no sacrifices." There was no way I could answer that, so I didn't try. We sat silently for a moment. Morose thoughts, however, were quickly being replaced by something else as I felt the tension of his body beneath mine. He placed his hands on either side of my skull, threading his fingers through my hair as he drew my face toward his and grazed my lips in the lightest of kisses. "You know, you're wrong about one thing," he commented, whispering against my cheek as his lips caressed my skin. "What's that?" "I *am* a selfish pig. I look at you, and I want to keep you all to myself. I don't want to share you--not with the Bureau, or the work, or anything." "Ooh, testosterone poisoning. Next thing I know, you'll be grunting, Mulder," I chuckled. "No, I draw the line at grunting. I might oink, but I don't grunt." "Oh yeah?" I shifted my weight so that my hips pressed hard against his groin. "Uh!" the sound escaped him before he could control it. "Okay, point taken--I have been known to grunt with the proper stimulus." I smirked, content I'd made my point. Soon, it became apparent that my lying atop him was having an effect. "Better get off me before I forget I'm a gentleman," he warned me. "Who needs a gentleman?" "Scully--" "Mulder, has anyone ever told you that you worry too much?" "Actually, no," he replied ironically. "As a matter of fact, I can remember a number of times you've admonished me for not worrying enough." "Oh. Well then..." I pursed my lips thoughtfully. Finally I rocked back, bringing my legs beneath me and straddling his hips. My bottom pressed against his burgeoning erection. "Ah, screw it," I declared. "Mulder, take me to bed and make love to me. Now." I rocked again, causing him to groan softly, before I dismounted and sashayed toward the bedroom. At bedroom door, I paused to look back at him where he lay rubbing a hand over his erection through his pajama bottoms. "You coming?" I asked haughtily, stripping off my tank top and hooking my thumbs in the waistband of the boxers I'd appropriated from his drawer. "No doubt sooner than expected," he answered, unable to resist the too-obvious double-entendre as he heaved himself off the sofa and ambled after me into the bedroom. End of Aphrodisia VI, Part Two Aphrodisia VI - In the Wake of the Devil's Instant (3 of 5) Kristel S. Oxley-Johns kjohns@chaos.x-philes.com By the time I reached the doorway, she was bent over, sliding the boxers down her hips, her positively gorgeous bottom in full view. "Allow me," I murmured, sinking to my knees behind her. I placed a tender kiss to the small of her back and ran my tongue over that erogenous zone until she moaned softly, then I took over the task of easing the shorts and her underwear down her legs. I nipped her buttock as she stepped out of the boxers, carefully helping her keep her balance as I held her waist in my hands. I nuzzled her hip and the soft mound of her derriere, stroking her fine skin with my bristly face, licking, tasting the sweetness of her flesh. She hummed softly in pleasure, a small shiver rippling through her body. My hands traveled upwards from her waist to cup her breasts, kneading gently, while my tongue trailed over the crease where her thigh met her buttock. I nipped again, a little harder, at the soft, fleshy underside of one cheek and was rewarded by hearing her gasp. "Talk to me, Scully," I entreated as I kissed and licked my way up her spine. "What do you want me to say?" I let go of her breasts to run my hands down her arms, starting at her shoulders and caressing downward until our fingers laced together. I wrapped all our collective arms around her torso and held her tightly with them as I began to kiss her neck. Her head fell to the side, baring the graceful arch of her throat to my teeth. They grazed over the artery where her pulse fluttered, working upward until I reached her ear. I pulled the lobe between my lips, sucking lightly, then finally releasing it to answer her question. "Tell me how to touch you. Tell me what you want me to do." My tongue dipped into her ear and she shuddered, her fingers clenching around mine. She slumped against me as her knees went weak. "You're doing pretty well on your own, Mulder." "I want to know what you want, how you want it. I want to know what you need." "Then touch my breasts again, hold them." "Like this?" I released her hands and engulfed the flesh in my hands, supporting their weight. Her nipples were warm, firm nubs in the center of my palms. "Yes. But gently--I'm tender." "Bruises?" I asked, uncertain of whether I should be touching her if she was bruised. It had been over a week, and I hadn't seen any in the shower, but then, I was looking from overhead--who knew what damage lingered on the soft underside of her breasts. "No, hormones," she answered with a hint of impatience. "Don't be so paranoid, Mulder." "Oh, sorry," I muttered. Granted, we hadn't been lovers long, but certainly long enough for me to know by now that her breasts got very sore in the days leading up to her period. I hadn't witnessed her taking off her bra while I was in the shower, or I might have noticed her grimace, or heard her soft hiss, as gravity took hold of the sensitive flesh. "Touch me--" she prompted. I refocused on the task literally at hand and, adhering to her instructions, palmed her breasts gently, cupping the soft--and presently sore--undersides in my hands. The skin of her shoulders was silky and cool against my bare chest, her hair fragrant against my nose. She allowed herself to lean back on me, letting me support her as my erection prodded the small of her back. "Yes--keep doing what you were doing to my neck." I went back to laving her neck with my tongue, listening to each gasp and hitch of her breath. She'd probably throttle me for thinking it, but I was afraid to touch her, afraid she was too fragile, emotionally and physically, for me to handle. I could feel the rough patches on her skin where half-healed cuts lingered. On the back of her neck was one particularly nasty specimen from when Pfaster had slammed her into the dresser mirror. I needed the reassurance of her voice, and the guarantee that if I followed her instructions, I could be sure everything I did was something she was all right with. I didn't trust myself to guess. I sucked on the tendon between her neck and shoulder and she shuddered, her weight pressing against me even more as her knees buckled for a second. It was only an instant, though, before she regained her balance and stood upright, pulling away from me. She walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge, looking at me expectantly. I approached her slowly, sinking to my knees once more as I reached the edge of the bed. She bent over and kissed me, softly and yet with passion, her lips parting mine, her tongue stroking my teeth and the inner recesses of my mouth. I let her explore, let her lead the kiss, responding but not taking over. This was about Scully-- what she needed to do to feel good, to heal, to feel in control of her life once more. She lifted my hands from where they rested on the outsides of her thighs and brought them to her breasts once more, massaging lightly. I picked up the motion and rhythm from her and she let her own hands fall away, taking my face between them and holding me still with her lips on mine. She sighed into my mouth before pulling back and arching, pressing her breasts toward my face. I took my cue as she very gently pulled my head to her chest and softly took one nipple into my mouth. Keeping in mind her tender state, I didn't suck, but squeezed it gently between my lips, laving it with my tongue before changing sides. She gave a quiet whimper of pleasure that was amplified in her chest so that it rang in my ears. Suddenly I was overwhelmed by emotion. I removed my mouth from her breast and pressed my ear between them instead, listening to the steady drumming of her heart. Still beating, still alive...My throat tightened and I had to trap a muffled sob before it escaped my chest as I considered how close we'd come once again to that not being the case. My arms closed around her back and I pulled her to me, clutching her desperately as I concentrated on that reassuring rhythm that was the beating of her heart. I felt a tear slide off my face and splash onto her breast. Shit. No, not tonight. This wasn't about me. It wasn't about my needs or my comfort or my fear, but it was too late. A second tear followed the first, and then a third. They were silent tears, not accompanied by sobs or other histrionics, for which I was grateful. I just held her tightly and shuddered within the arms twined around my shoulders while the tears squeezed out from between tightly closed eyelids. After several long moments, I heard a sniffle and looked up to see glistening tracks of moisture on Scully's cheeks as well. "It's okay," she whispered, her voice shaking. I reached up, cradling her face, wiping her cheeks with my thumbs as one pair of wet eyes gazed worshipfully up into another. "*I'm* okay. We're gonna be okay." I nodded slowly, composing myself internally as I continued to stare at her. I had never in my life felt this brand of tenderness and protectiveness toward a woman, never known what it was like to love so completely that the beloved person became a part of your soul. Unthinking, we moved in tandem, I rising and she descending until our lips clashed desperately. There was a mad moment when we tried to devour each other, slowly cooling in increments until our lips clung tenderly one to the other. Our mouths mated, our tongues twined, our hands stroked the bare skin of one another's backs. She pulled back and hissed as my hand found a large bruise on her back that hadn't yet disappeared and I murmured an apology, which she dismissed with a shake of her head. Trustingly she allowed me to lay her down on the bed, rising to lean over her from where I knelt between her legs. My lips traversed her torso, pressing hot, openmouthed kisses all over her body, over her shoulders and breasts and stomach. My tongue flicked out, tasting her skin. Nuzzling her with my nose, I sank farther downward until my mouth brushed lightly over the wet lips between her thighs. My tongue parted them as I would the lips of her mouth in a gentle kiss, gently delving between. Her musky flavor and scent filled my senses--rich, heady, a little sweet, a little tangy. It was as though all of Scully could be summed up in that vital essence. Her soft gasps and shuddering sighs rang in my ears, her thighs quivered where they bracketed my head as I continued the intimate kiss. My tongue dipped into her moist sex and then withdrew to stroke the engorged knot of nerves above-- teasing, flicking, sucking. Her fingers dove into my hair and held me to her while her hips rose and fell in a gentle rhythm that matched the thrusts of my tongue. It was a long while before I ceased that caress, unwilling to relinquish this opportunity to pleasure her, to savor her. But her whispered entreaty and the insistent pulling of her hands on my head brought me up from the floor as she slid further back onto the bed and lay waiting for me as I took off my pajama bottoms and boxer briefs. I knelt on the mattress between her thighs and leaned forward, bracing my weight on my arms on either side of her shoulders. She brought her knees up and reached for me, taking my cock in her hand and guiding me home. We moaned in unison, softly, as her flesh yielded to mine. I gave a couple of gentle experimental thrusts, changing angles, watching her reaction to try to discover what was working best for her. Moving slowly in and out, I sank down above her, capturing her lips and finding a rhythm to settle into. All that existed in that moment was the pleasure of her tight, hot flesh surrounding me, the hitching sound of her gasps, the small shudders that ran through her when something felt just right. I kissed her, my mouth melding with hers, our tongues dueling. When her hands grasped my ass, pulling me deeper into her, I increased the pace. In an instant, everything changed. One moment she was gasping in pleasure, and the next a wheeze of fear had entered the sound. She began hyperventilating, bringing her hands up to push with sudden desperation at my shoulders. Her eyes were wide with panic. "Get off me! Now!" The urgency in her voice penetrated the fog of passion enshrouding my mind and I rolled away in an instant. I sat up, torn between the need to assist her and the instinctive knowledge that she needed me to keep a distance while she panted in fear, a white-knuckled fist clenched and pressed between her breasts, over her heart. "I'm sorry," she said breathlessly after a moment. "I just...felt a little claustrophobic all of a sudden. I couldn't breathe..." "Shh, it's okay," I reached out to pat her back reassuringly, and found myself the one reassured when she didn't flinch or pull away. It was to be expected that she would have some post-traumatic reactions from her ordeal. I couldn't help feeling we had moved too fast, done too much for her to handle. I kicked myself for not arguing harder when she'd stated her desire. I should have known she wasn't ready... "Come here," she murmured after a long moment, extending her arms to me. I looked at her questioningly, uncertain that approaching her would be a good idea. If she needed space, I could give her space, as long as I knew she was all right. The ache in my groin didn't even signify. "It's okay, Mulder, seriously. I'm all right now. Please, just come here." Hesitating only for another instant, I obeyed, crawling slowly to close the small distance between us. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders and settled her head against my chest. Her warm breath wafted across my skin. After a moment, I cautiously returned the embrace, placing my arms gingerly around her and stroking her hair. "I'm sorry," she said again, softly. "Don't be. Scully--anything you need, just tell me. It was too soon, we pushed too fast...I should have realized it wasn't a good idea." "It wasn't the sex, Mulder, that's not the problem." "Then talk to me, Scully. What was the problem?" "I just--I've never been really fond of tight spaces, even when I was young. But recently--" Frowning, she leaned back and began to tick off incidents on her fingers. "There was the trunk of my car with Duane Barry, our first encounter with Donnie Pfaster, the people in Dudley, Arkansas, Gerry Schnauz, Antarctica, and now Pfaster again. Hell, I don't even think that's all of them. I hear some people can go their whole lives without riding in the trunk of a car or getting crammed into a closet; I practically do it once a year. So, I'm not terribly fond of small spaces. I just--I just felt suffocated for a moment, closed in. My face was covered, my breath blocked, and I panicked." "You don't have to explain to me. It's okay..." "No, it's not okay. What I'm trying to explain to you is that I want to try to pick up where we left off. It wasn't the sex that got to me, and I don't want to give up on it just because I had a moment of panic," she sighed with frustration. "I'd like to continue making love, if that's all right with you." "You don't have anything to prove, Scully," I said, shaking my head. "It's all right for us to take our time. There's tomorrow, or there's next week, or next month or next year. The only thing that matters to me is that you're okay." "And what matters to *me* is taking my life back, Mulder. I told you, Pfaster can't have this. I won't allow it. I want to make love with you. Please--I need you." Her words stopped me cold. I don't know that I'd ever actually heard them from Scully. I certainly knew that I'd never be able to deny her anything she asked for when she finally did speak them. Her hand trailed down my chest to encircle my rather wilted erection. The first touch caused a violent shudder to run through my body and I watched as Scully pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, her expression almost studious as she slowly and skillfully brought me to a fully erect state once more. I sat there silently, waiting for her direction. "Here--lay back," she instructed quietly. Without hesitation, I slid up on the bed until I was lying in the center. She straddled my thighs and carefully lowered herself onto me. Another mutual sigh filled the room. Bending over to kiss me gently, she began to move with agonizing slowness, raising and lowering herself at an easy pace. Her soft breasts swayed enticingly with each movement, and I reached up to hold them, then slid my hands around her waist to her back. I worked on kneading the muscles of her back with my hands as she rose and fell, working away the tension. We took our time, moving slowly, until Scully went still. "Sit up," she murmured. "I want to feel you against me." We maneuvered carefully until I was sitting upright against the headboard, a pillow cushioning my back. Scully, still astride me, leaned forward to claim my mouth in a passionate kiss and began to move again. Her exquisitely soft breasts rubbed intimately against my chest. It was of her doing that we were face to face, breathing each other's breath, as she pressed herself against me and kissed me over and over. I moved my efforts at a backrub to her shoulders and upper spine for as long as I could, before the feeling of being inside her became too much to allow for anything other than existing in the sensation. Our movements became faster and less restrained, and uncontrollably I began to move upward to meet her thrusts. The sighs of pleasure became rapid pants of passion, and she tore her mouth from mine, throwing her head back and giving a ragged moan of pleasure. She leaned backward, holding my shoulders and meeting my eyes, her heavy-lidded gaze glassy. Simultaneously, we grabbed each other's faces, our fingers threading into the other's hair, staring intently at one another as we approached our peaks. Her lips were swollen and her mouth hanging open as she gasped and moaned. I felt the start of her orgasm in the fluttering of her sheath around my cock a few seconds before she fell forward, kissing me desperately while I swallowed her cries. My own climax followed just a moment later, leaving me shuddering and groaning in her arms. As I came back to myself, Scully and I were twined around one another, rocking slowly. Her face was pressed into the curve of my neck and she was murmuring to me. Her words were muffled, but I think I picked up a "thank you." "My pleasure," I chuckled softly. She lifted herself off me and padded into the bathroom to clean up while I folded back the bedcovers. By the time she returned, I was lying on my back on my side of the bed in the darkened room, my arms folded behind my head as I gazed pensively up at the ceiling. "What are you thinking?" she asked quietly, slipping under the covers beside me. She propped herself up on her elbow as I turned my head to face her. "I'm wondering how many more hits we can take before something has to give." "We take as many as we have to, Mulder. But we should try to choose our battles whenever possible. That's something we've never been very good at." "You mean that's something I've never been good at," I corrected her, grimacing. Most of what had happened to Scully had not been of her own creation, but circumstances which happened to her. Me, I tended to go running after trouble. That had stopped, though, a little over a year and a half before. It had stopped after my insistence on pursuing a case nearly got her killed and led me on a chase to the bottom of the world to bring her back. "It's a partnership, Mulder," she sighed. "I'm not going to try to separate virtues and vices or attempt to assign blame." "I wish you'd leave, Scully. I wish you'd get out before anything else happens to you." "Then who would hang around to save your sorry ass?" she replied with dry laugh. "No. For better or worse, I'm in this, too. And for better or worse, it's where I want to be, no matter how grumpy I get about it sometimes." I let the common phrase from the traditional wedding vows pass without comment, even though we both knew it had been a deliberate choice of wording on her part. "Whatever happened to getting out of the damned car, or grabbing life by the testes?" "God, you still remember that car remark?" She sighed as she considered the question. "That was--a different time. It was right after Dallas and Antarctica, and not even a year had passed since Emily... we weren't accomplishing anything then, and we were on Kersh's manure patrol. It just--wasn't a good time. I don't feel that way anymore." Notably missing from the list of grievances which haunted that time in her life was how I'd professed my faith in Diana Fowley despite Scully's reservations. "As for the testes comment--" she tossed me a saucy grin. "I had one very specific pair of testes in mind at the time, but they--or at least their owner--seemed to be oblivious." "Believe me, I was *not* oblivious." "You're getting me off track," she said primly. "My point is, we're no longer spinning our wheels. After what I saw in Africa, I feel like we have a purpose again. I don't want to give up, Mulder. I'm right where I should be." And that was the end of that, I supposed. There wasn't really anything left to say. I extended my arm and she slid closer to me, resting her head on my shoulder while her leg stretched across my groin and her hand came to rest in the middle of my chest. I gave a sigh as she snuggled in, then closed my eyes to rest. "It was Saturday today, you know," she muttered drowsily. It only took a second before I caught on to the significance of her remark. "It doesn't matter. It's not important." Frankly, I couldn't envision ever going there again, ever setting aside my protective instincts enough to be demanding with her. I suppose it was good we became lovers when we did--if this redux with Pfaster had happened before I accosted her in her apartment that night, I might never have been secure enough in the knowledge of her well-being to do it. I could only be thankful that we'd had a few months respite, a brief period of time for us to enjoy our love unblemished before the grim reality of our lives set in once more. "Yes it is important," she replied in a sleepy murmur. "It is to me. But I just need to take my time. Soon, though-- " "Take all the time you need, Scully. I'll still be here when we're both ready again." "'Kay," I barely heard the mumbled answer. "'Night." I turned my head and kissed the top of hers. "'Night, Scully." End of Aphrodisia VI, Part Three Aphrodisia VI - In the Wake of the Devil's Instant (4 of 5) Kristel S. Oxley-Johns kjohns@chaos.x-philes.com The board of inquiry was almost absurdly pleased to exonerate me and I was absurdly distressed by their willingness to do so. It didn't matter that I tried to take ownership of my crime, tried to explain to them what had really happened. They didn't want to know; I had put down a sleaze who would have kept killing in the most horrific manner imaginable if I hadn't stopped him and they weren't going to fault me for that. After a few weeks' mental health leave and a thorough psych evaluation, I would return to work on the X-Files. The truth would remain forever between me and Mulder and my confessor, if I ever managed to force myself to go to confession. I didn't think I was pushing it when nearly a month later, I asked Mulder if we could resume our Saturday play-dates. He was uncertain, that much was apparent. His first reaction was a knee-jerk refusal, but I convinced him it was all right. Had I been in a frame of mind to question my actions, I might have recognized there was a problem with me essentially seducing him into agreeing. But what was important to me was proving I had regained control of my life--and what better way to do that than getting right back in the saddle in everything I did? I was doing all right, and I made Mulder believe it. I even believed it myself; I wasn't just putting up a front. The nightmares were slowly becoming less frequent and I wasn't nearly as moody as I had been immediately after the incident. In fact, most of my days I would classify as good, cheerful even. We had resumed a healthy, if somewhat less frantic and more tender, sex life. I had all of a sudden become the aggressor, with Mulder hanging back to let me decide what I wanted before I came to him. And I went to him frequently, because in his arms was the only place I could forget for a while. I thought we were well on the road to recovery and I very deliberately ignored the voice inside me that told me I was faking it, putting a happy face on everything in an attempt to make it all right again. I thought surely what I was doing was better than all the times in the past when I pushed Mulder away while I was hurting. I plunged forward, determined to reclaim my life. He started out slowly during that first play session, with an emphasis on sensation and eroticism rather than any intense bondage or rough sex, touching me softly, sensually, setting nerve endings ablaze and driving me out of my mind. He handled me with care, conscientious of my healing emotional state, and if I objected to being treated as if I was fragile, I had the sense to recognize that it wasn't my place to question his judgment in this arena. He had changed things in the house we were borrowing from Byers since our last time there. He'd moved the futon into the living room so that it was before the fireplace and when we entered, he had me turn on the natural gas flame around the faux logs that had been added there. I wondered if that was his addition, or Byers'. At any rate, it was certainly a good choice, considering I would have had to build and tend the fire if the fireplace hadn't been updated. I sank down onto the futon as he kissed me, facing the fireplace and feeling the warmth upon my body. "Lay down. Put your hands up over your head," he instructed me in that sensuous voice that went straight to the pit of my belly. I obeyed while he stroked me slowly, seductively, his fingers feather-light across my skin. "Spread your legs." At this command he nudged my knees farther apart until I was wide open and exposed to him. Then he gently drew a hand over my eyes. "Close your eyes, now, and keep them closed." I did as I was instructed, letting myself float on his voice; that calm, caressing voice that normally left me feeling like I was drowning in warm honey. When I felt it wasn't working, I tried harder to focus on it and let it take me to that peaceful, contented place I went when we played. I needed to go there--it was a safe, gentle place where I felt cherished and protected. "You said something to me the last time we were together, Kat. You told me you sometimes felt like you were pretending when you called me Master. But you also told me you wanted that fact to be reality, and so that's what we're going to work on today. This isn't real until you believe it's real." A kiss, whisper-soft across my lips, and then his breath came warm next to my ear. I was unbearably wet already and we had hardly begun. My heart pounded in my chest. "As of this moment, Kat, you are bound. Not by ropes or cuffs or chains, but by your submission. You are bound by my command. Your hands," he ran his long fingers up my arms to stroke my wrists where they rested above my head, "are anchored here cannot move from this spot. Your feet are tied, spread far apart, so that you're open for me to use as I see fit. Your eyes are blindfolded and cannot open, and your mouth," this he whispered against my trembling lips, "has been gagged so you cannot speak or cry out." He returned to stroking me, allowing me to adjust to the idea that I couldn't move despite the fact I had all the freedom in the world to do so if I chose. Somehow the heat of the fire seemed more intense now that I could only feel it rather than look at the flames. Sounds were exaggerated in my ears. My eyes kept wanting to blink open, if just for a moment to see what he was doing, but I was forbidden. "If you succeed in remaining still and silent, except for such sounds as could normally escape a gag, and keep your eyes closed, you will be rewarded. If you fail, you will be punished. The only thought that should be in your head is how being bound like this is every bit as real as if I had tied you." I nodded silently, squeezing my eyelids shut. Surely this couldn't be that hard--with the one rather spectacular exception of the time I had fought him, I'd had no problems obeying him in the past. I wanted to obey him, so it wasn't a difficulty. I felt something soft and silky running over my belly and thought he must be using his fur mitt. The first test of my mental bondage came when that diabolical bit of fur moved from my belly and breasts to the sides of my ribs. That tickled, and I went rigid in an effort to avoid wriggling. My body quivered with tension, which only made the sensation of being tickled that much worse. I gasped aloud when it reached my armpit, then clamped my lips lightly together, appalled that I had erred so soon. "That's right, Kat--it's not so easy. In the past, you've always had the ability to speak and move actually taken away from you, so you didn't have the option of doing it. Now, you are fully able to move, or look, or speak-- physically. But anyone could bind your body, Kat. Anyone can subjugate another person and force that person to their will. What I want is your surrender, your acceptance of my ownership, to the point where no ropes are necessary to bind you. I want you to be mine in your own mind." My heart did a sickening somersault in my chest and a spasm of fear ran through me. My mind. He wanted my mind. I'd given him my body happily, and my heart with only slight hesitation, but he wanted more. He wanted the very essence of me, and suddenly I wasn't so sure I could give him that. Wasn't that what I had fought against my entire adult life? Suddenly I was afraid. The tickling was unbearable and unrelenting, ceasing only long enough to move to the other side of my ribcage. I bit my lip hard in an effort to offset the sensation, clenching my fists so that my nails gouged my palms, and still it persisted. I wanted to put my arms down, wanted to protect my ticklish flesh from the unyielding assault. I even began to pull them down and stopped only when I was surprised to discover I was not meeting with any resistance in my efforts to move them. No pull of ropes or cuffs signified the limit of my range of motion, though I had fully expected to find myself so restrained. "Kat." His voice was low and ominous as I sat with my arms suspended half way above me. "Put them down. Now." Slowly, cautiously I inched my hands back into their position above my head. "The tickling will only stop when you stop resisting it," my Master said firmly. "You're prolonging your own discomfort. If you surrendered to it, it wouldn't bother you anymore." Surrender. Right. Fat fucking chance, I thought rebelliously. As if he would surrender if our roles were reversed. I gritted my teeth tightly, trying to outwait the torment, but it was no use. When one side became acclimated to what he was doing, he'd change sides, change pressure--whatever it took to keep my nerve endings alert with the sensations he inflicted. There was no escaping, though I wriggled as best I could within the confines of my "bindings." Finally, with a sigh, I forced myself to be still and to relax as best I could. If that was the price for making it stop, then I would do it. And yet it didn't stop. He continued long after I made the decision to quit struggling and I found myself growing angry. Another pass of the glove over my armpit and upper arm and I bolted upright, snarling, "Flukeman!" He immediately sat back and placed the mitt in his lap, waiting for me to tell him what the problem was. I glowered at him, rubbing my ribs as if I could wipe away the phantom sensations. "You promised you'd stop," I said finally, hating the petulance in my voice but unable to stop it. "I promised the torment would end once you surrendered to it. You didn't do that." "I did! I laid there, laid still, accepting it, but you didn't stop!" "Why did you accept it, Kat? Were there conditions to that acceptance?" he fixed me with an uncompromising stare. "Of course there were. You only accepted it to make it stop, which isn't acceptance at all. You have to accept that it will continue as long as I choose for it to continue, and surrender to that fact. That's when you'll be able to stop resisting and simply accept it for what it is--my way of exercising my authority over you, my *rights* over you. The rights that *you* gave me. And that's when it will stop tormenting you, even if the physical act causing the torment doesn't cease." I blinked, staring at him for a long moment, feeling my expression change to incredulity. Forget that my inner thighs were now desperately wet with the fluids of arousal seeping from my body--he was crazy if he thought anyone could possibly do what he was asking. Wasn't he? That sort of willing acquiescence to something one would most certainly find patently unpleasant--real people just didn't do that. It was great in a book or a fantasy, but we were talking about what the human body and mind were actually capable of dealing with. "You need to trust me, Kat." "Don't bring trust into this!" I snapped, irrationally angry all of a sudden. Worse, I felt my eyes prickling and was mortified to discover I felt like crying. I turned my head away quickly, refusing to face him. "It has nothing to do with trust! And don't call me Kat--I used my safe- word, dammit." "It has everything to do with trust," he replied in that too-reasonable voice. "You trusted me enough to tell me your fantasy, your darkest and most secret desires, but you don't trust me to fulfill them for you--not completely. You'll let me play the role you want me to play for you, but only to a point--so at the end of everything, you can look back and say 'I was just pretending.' But you don't want that, and you know it. You've admitted as much; now you just need to let go of it." He wasn't playing by the rules--he was supposed to take my control away, rather than making me exercise it. That wasn't what we had agreed to. "Can't you just tie me up?" I asked plaintively, disheartened, still struggling with the tightness in my throat, the tears I refused to let fall. Jesus, why was I suddenly so emotional? This was just a sex game, it was nothing to get weepy over. "No, I can't just bind you. If we're going to do this--if we're going to make it real, the way you said you want it, then you have to let go and let it be real. You have to surrender." God, his voice! I wanted to sink into it, let it wash over me and surround me. I wanted to wrap it around me like a safe, warm blanket I could hide under for as long as I needed to--but I couldn't. "Shit!" I hissed when I realized two rogue tears had escaped and were making their way down my face. I wiped them away hastily, knowing it was pointless to hope Mulder hadn't noticed. Now he would fret and be all solicitous and worried... "Hey--" a hand on my face, forcing me to meet his concerned eyes. "Let's go home, Scully. This wasn't a good idea today. You need more time." Can I call it or what? "I don't want to go home, Mulder," I said, hating how choked my voice sounded. "I want to be here. I don't know why I'm acting this way--" I gave a low groan of frustration and stood from the futon, intent on crossing the room to don the dress I wore that morning, but Mulder caught me with his hands on my waist and pulled me down into his lap. "Dammit, Mulder, let me go!" I wriggled and pulled, trying to jerk away, but his arms were locked in a death-grip around me. "No, I don't think I will," he murmured, clutching me to his chest. I could have broken free of his grasp if I'd tried, but why? He wasn't going to hurt me; he just wanted to hold me. And whether I wanted to acknowledge it or not, I wanted to be held. "When we're here, in this place, you're mine to take care of. And I don't give a damn whose feminist mentality that offends, or if it upsets your precious sense of independence, or any of that. I try to give you all the space you need out there, but not in here. That's the way it's got to be or we're not doing this anymore. We can't; it wouldn't be safe." I ceased struggling, but I couldn't relax into his embrace. Perhaps it had been a bad idea to come here, to try to do this again. Something drastic had changed for me over the last month and the things that had suited my emotional state then weren't what I needed now. After a long moment, he spoke again, in a soothing tone that chafed against my mood. I didn't want to be soothed, or comforted, or have things made better. "Now, if you say you don't want to go home, that you want to be here, I believe you. But things are different from the last time we did this, and I think we need to reevaluate what we want out of this in light of those changes. You said you need this, but I need you to be more precise. What do you need?" "I don't know," I answered, frustrated. "I just started to feel panicked when you spoke of getting into my mind. I know that's what I said I wanted, but that was then--that was before..." I couldn't say it. I couldn't say his name. The last time I'd spoken Donnie Pfaster's name was at the hearing held by the board of inquiry into the shooting. After that, I'd sworn I'd never speak it again. "I don't know if I can give you that, Mulder. Maybe I could have, once, but not now." "Why?" I growled in annoyance, trying to pull away from him again. "You're the goddamned psychologist. You tell me why!" "You're afraid." It wasn't a question, and though there was no contempt or blame in the words, I bristled nonetheless, automatically defensive. It took several moments for me to prevent myself from snapping back in anger. He continued, "When we started all this, it had been some time since our last crisis. We were getting comfortable, starting to feel secure once more, and now that's gone. Without that sense of security, you can't let go. You're afraid and you're taking it out on me because it's pissing you off." "I'm not afraid," I said at last, firmly. We both knew it was bullshit, but I was compelled to say it anyway. I couldn't admit to being afraid; admitting it made me feel somehow weaker. Still, I tried to tone down the anger. He was right that I was taking it out on him, and knowing Mulder, he'd just keep taking it as long as I dished it out. I didn't want to do that to him. "I wanted to come here because when we do this, when I'm here with you, I feel safe." "You *used* to feel safe here." "Quit it, Mulder." "Quit what?" "Quit trying to make this about Pfaster. I don't--I don't want him in this. He has no place here with us." "Too late, Scully. Like it or not, what happened with Pfaster is going to affect every part of your life. You can't escape it; you just have to deal with it. I've watched you for a month now, trying to cut yourself off from what's happened, and I'm sorry to say it's not going to work." My head was starting to ache with my tension and when I noticed Mulder's arms had relaxed around me, I pulled away from him and sat on the futon beside him, pulling my knees protectively to my bare chest and wrapping the blanket over my shoulders. "That's not what I come here for, Mulder. I come here to get away from all that." Even as I spoke the words, I knew if that was the case, my reasons were all wrong. What was I here for? When we first started this whole thing, it had been because I found the fantasy of submission to be a huge turn-on. But somewhere along the way, I'd found an emotional need I wasn't even aware of was being fulfilled. A need to be protected and sheltered, to let myself relinquish the crushing sense of duty and obligation and responsibility under which I found myself so often laboring. When I submitted to him, I felt free. But that was the problem, wasn't it? Before, I had been able to relinquish those things to Mulder because I felt safe doing so. I didn't have to be strong when we played. But now, I couldn't release my personal control enough to successfully do this with Mulder, and that annoyed me. I hated the idea that there was something I *couldn't* do. I wanted the sexual and psychological release submission provided me with, but I wasn't prepared to risk what was necessary to achieve it. Not now. "Maybe you're right," I muttered after a long moment, rising and crossing the room to my clothes, the blanket wrapped protectively around me. "Maybe this was a bad idea. Let's go home." "Are you sure that's what you want?" his eyes were dark and solemn as he studied me from where he sat on the futon. I gave a low growl of incredulous anger. "Let it go, Mulder, okay? Let's just get out of here." I dropped the blanket and pulled the dress over my head. "Why do you want to leave?" "Because obviously this isn't working!" "Why isn't it working?" "I don't know! Dammit! Quit playing twenty questions, all right? I'm not in the mood." "We came here because you requested it. Obviously, you felt there was something here you wanted or needed, and I need to know what that is or I can't give it to you." He was like a fucking bulldog with a bone in his teeth! "I wanted sex, Mulder, okay? I wanted to get a little kinky, because it's been a while. Now, apparently that's not going to happen, so let's go." In retrospect, I had to wonder how long he'd been waiting for an opening like that. He pounced on it. "Just like you've wanted sex practically every night for the last month?" he asked dangerously, unfolding his long form as he rose from the futon. He began to stalk me across the empty living room. "Is that why you've jumped me every time you find you have five minutes to analyze what's going on in your head? Hate to tell you this, Scully, but I didn't get into this relationship so you can use me to run away from your feelings." I saw red for a moment and felt my face flush angrily. He'd struck a nerve--I'd been using him for weeks to get away from my own thoughts, and I should have known he'd see it. "Go to hell," I snarled, feeling something ugly and cruel rear up inside me. "I didn't exactly notice you protesting whenever I decided I wanted to fuck you." "That's because I trusted you to know what's best for you. Now I'm not so sure." I realized I was walking backward, trying to get away from his implacable approach. "Oh, well that's just great, Mulder. Hate to tell *you*, but I didn't get into this relationship so you could decide what is and isn't best for me!" "Well maybe someone should, because you sure as hell can't seem to do it for yourself!" "Fuck you, Mulder. That's not your call to make," I said coldly, crossing my arms over my breasts. Somewhere inside, I cringed at my own words and behavior--Mulder hadn't done anything to deserve this, but I was beyond controlling it. This was getting ugly; *I* was getting ugly. If he even heard the progressively more hurtful words I hurled at him, he gave no indication. "Then whose call is it?" he demanded. I stood my ground as he finally reached me, getting in my face. "Who better than someone who loves you? Someone who's been with you during every step of this process and would cut off his right arm to help you if you just gave me the first goddamned clue as to what's going on inside your head. I'm tired of guessing what you're thinking, Scully, and I'm tired of waiting for the moment you decide you're ready to let me in." "What the hell do you want from me?" I demanded heatedly. Even through my rage I could feel tears pricking the back of my eyelids, and it only served to make me more irate. He had no right to put me through this. It didn't matter that it was true--he knew I wouldn't be willing to have this discussion. "I've given you more than I've ever given anyone. What more do you want?" "I want everything," he growled, his voice low. "The only thing I asked from you going into this relationship was that you don't hold back on me. It was an all or nothing proposition, and we both knew it. Now it's time for you to do your share." "Are you giving me an ultimatum, Mulder?" End of Aphrodisia VI, Part Four Aphrodisia VI - In the Wake of the Devil's Instant (5 of 5) Kristel S. Oxley-Johns kjohns@chaos.x-philes.com "Are you giving me an ultimatum, Mulder?" I asked, dangerous rage roiling within me. I clenched my teeth in an effort to suppress it. We both knew what had happened the last time I got this angry with someone. "Oh, no," he shook his head in a brusque gesture. "I'm not going to let you blackmail your way out of this discussion with the threat that you'll walk away from everything if I don't drop it. It was all or nothing and we chose all. We're in, and it doesn't matter how pissed off we get, there's no going back. We chose to be in this relationship. I'm demanding you live up to that choice." "Which means what?" I inquired sarcastically. He was right--unless I was honestly willing to walk away from him, I couldn't play that card, and I wasn't willing to do that. I'd be damned if I let our relationship fall apart because of that piece of slime, Pfaster. Nonetheless, I wasn't willing to yield to his insistence, either. "You get to badger me until I do things to your satisfaction? Until you're convinced I'm dealing with things properly?" "I'd be satisfied for you to deal with things at all rather than running away from them," he replied calmly. He wasn't irritated anymore, and I wonder if he'd been irritated at all earlier, or if it had been an act to provoke me. Now he was frighteningly composed, his words and motions deliberate. He stepped forward until he was pressing me back against the wall, pinning me. At his physical proximity, as I realized my inability to move, my heart began to pound in my chest and my breath came faster. "Get back, Mulder. Now." I'd like to think I sounded ominous and threatening, but the truth was I probably sounded as panicked and desperate as I felt. His blank expression seemed cold, cruel. "Why should I, Scully? Are you afraid?" he taunted. "Dammit, get away from me!" I yelled hoarsely, my rising hysteria audible. How could he do this to me? There was no question in my mind that he fully intended the effect he was having. I'd never seen Mulder act so coldly, with such calculation, except perhaps on a case. I began to hyperventilate, shoving at his shoulders. He leaned his weight into me, pressing me harder against the wall. Scalding tears spilled down my cheeks, but I was oblivious to them in my need to escape him. I tried to lift a knee to catch him in the groin, but he'd positioned himself so that I hit his hip instead. He grunted in surprised pain, but didn't back off. He was too heavy; pushing him away was no use. Frantic, I began to strike out, hitting, clawing, elbowing...When he caught my hands, I tried to bite. *Too big...too strong...can't get away!* A voice chanted desperately in my head. I hated him for being stronger, hated my weakness, hated my inability to get free...Amidst the thrashing of my head as I tried to reach him with my teeth, animalistic screams issued from my throat. "Scully!" he snapped, releasing my hands to catch my face before I succeeded in biting him. "Scully, stop! Look at me, Scully! Damn you, look at me!" My head held immobile by his large hands, I had no choice but to look up at him--and see only Mulder standing there, with an expression of fear and concern. Mulder, who would never harm me, looking sad and worried as I tried my damnedest to hurt him. Mulder, who loved me more than anything on earth, standing immobile as I made him the target of my desperate, murderous rage... "Oh, God!" I gasped, horror filling me. I couldn't do this, couldn't get this angry with Mulder--couldn't let myself hurt him. My knees sagged and I began to slide down the wall. Mulder went down with me, holding me as I began to sob. "I'm sorry," I whimpered between racking, gulping gasps for air. "Oh, God, Mulder, I'm sorry!" "Shh, it's okay," he whispered against my hair. "It's okay, Scully. Let me help you." "I hated him, Mulder!" I cried, choking on my sobs. "He got the drop on me and I couldn't fight him, couldn't get away from him! It didn't matter how much training I had--I wasn't strong enough to fight him. He made me feel weak and I hated him for it! I hated him and I killed him!" "I know, Scully. It's okay..." "No," I said mournfully, "it's not. For just a moment just now, when you trapped me and I couldn't get away, I hated you too, Mulder. It was the same; the weakness, and the fury..." "No, Scully, no. It's not the same at all. You wouldn't have hurt me. I know that." "*I* don't even know that! I would have said once that I knew I wouldn't gun down an unarmed man no matter how much I hated him, Mulder, but it's not true. I feel like I don't know myself anymore, don't know what I'm capable of doing--" My voice hitched on a sob again and I could feel the tears chilling in wet tracks down my face, but it seemed like too much trouble to reach up and wipe them away. It didn't matter; Mulder had already seen them, seen me at my weakest. I'd been unable to yield to him earlier because I couldn't bring myself to be weak again. The last time I'd been weak, Pfaster had gotten the drop on me and nearly killed me. I'd ended up murdering him instead. I'd wound up so far beyond reason, beyond control, that I had unthinkingly pulled the trigger on an unarmed man already in Mulder's custody. If I didn't get past this--*really* get past this, not just pretend--Pfaster really was going to win. I couldn't force myself to be sorry he was dead, and that was what bothered me. I hadn't gone to confession since killing him, because in order to receive absolution, I'd need to repent of what I had done and I couldn't bring myself to repent at all. Pfaster deserved to die, and I didn't know how to reconcile that with the person I knew myself to be. I hadn't allowed myself to feel sorrow, because Pfaster hadn't deserved any, but neither had I allowed myself to feel joy, because it would have been inappropriate to be happy when I had murdered someone. I hadn't allowed myself to consider how terrified I was, not just that I could have been killed, but that everything could have been taken away from me in an instant if it had been decided the shooting was unjustified. But most of all, I hadn't let myself feel my own rage; rage that a monster like Donnie Pfaster existed on this earth to hurt people, that he'd hurt me, that he'd stripped away my personal control, violated my home, and made me feel weak. "You wouldn't have hurt me, Scully," Mulder reiterated after a moment. "How can you be so sure?" "Because you're stronger than that," he replied simply. Simple emotional exhaustion caught up with me at that point. I was barely aware when moments later, he lifted me and carried me to the futon. I thought of protesting that I didn't need to be carried, but decided against it. Mulder already knew that; he was carrying me because he wanted to. Besides I was tired, and it was just Mulder. I could be independent tomorrow. * * * * * At some point toward the evening, I awoke to find Mulder lying on his back behind me, my back pressed to his side. I rolled over to snuggle against his chest, my head pillowed by his shoulder and my leg thrown across his groin. He hummed, nuzzling the top of my head. "You okay?" he murmured sleepily. "Yeah," I said, meaning it for the first time in a month. Mulder let out a satisfied sigh. I lifted my head. "Though if you ever speak to me like you did this afternoon again, I'll have to kick your ass." "Hey, whatever works, I say," I felt him shrug beneath my head. "I had to get through to you somehow." That was true. Who knows how long I would have carried on if he hadn't? "You're not weak, Scully," he said after a contemplative pause. "I don't need to tell you that, I know, but it's true. You have more guts than I do, that's for certain." "I wouldn't go that far..." "No, seriously, Scully. I mean, just think about the reason we're here. I know I've said it before, but it takes courage to turn yourself over to someone like that, to give up control even for a little while. But you've done it and you continue to do it." "I didn't quite pull it off today," I murmured, grimacing as I remembered how extraordinarily horrid I was to Mulder, and the hateful, hurtful things I'd said to him. "So? I'd say there were enough extenuating circumstances to make that understandable. I can't even bring myself to think about giving up control that way, even to you, Scully." I looked at him sharply. "I didn't realize you'd given that idea any thought." "I haven't. I can't. It scares the shit out of me. You made a joke about it last time and I practically panicked. I'm asking you to do something I can't even contemplate doing myself," Mulder said discontentedly. "You've never really spoken about what happened when you were with Phoebe," I said softly. "I didn't want to pry, but I have to assume she's the reason. It doesn't matter anyway; it's not like it's something I have any great interest in doing." "In other words, I've been holding out while demanding complete openness from you. You should have called me on that sooner, Scully," he sighed heavily. I didn't bother protesting his overly harsh self-assessment, but let him go on. "I ask myself now why I stayed, why I didn't get out when I saw what was happening. I allowed her to abuse me, physically and emotionally, for almost two years. I know that what happened with her is not what it's all about. That's not what most submissives experience, or no one would ever do it. Why would they want to? "I didn't stay in the relationship because of what happened when we played. I didn't stay because I got off on pain or humiliation or even the sex--though I won't deny sometimes all those things felt pretty good, depending on when and how. I stayed because of what happened between all that. As worthless as she made me feel when she was 'topping' me, if you want to call it that, when we weren't in the scene she made me feel good about myself. Praised me, flattered me, told me how great I was--everything I needed to hear at exactly the time in my life I needed to hear it most. What took me so long to realize was that she didn't mean any of it--she only said it to get me to play her game. Whether all those good things were true or not, I couldn't believe it because she didn't mean them." I squeezed him tightly. "You don't have to explain this to me. We both know she was wrong in how she treated you, and I'm not surprised it affects how you regard things now. I can only be grateful that even after all that, you haven't made it your model for how we relate when we do this. You make me feel good *during*, Mulder, as well as afterwards. You make me feel like I'm doing something incredible, and doing it well, when I let you take over. We've already hashed this out, so you know how I feel. And just because we had a setback today doesn't mean I want to give up." "Me, either," he said quietly, kissing the top of my head. "I just want you to know that I don't see it as being weak, and just because I can't bring myself to do what you do doesn't mean I think any less of it. In fact, I think more of it, because it means you're strong and brave and of all the fucking amazing things, you've decided to trust me with that." I smiled. "Well, it's not all that amazing that I trust you to do it. It is a huge turn-on, after all. And you are pretty damned sexy." "You coming on to me, Scully?" "Actually, no," I chuckled as my stomach growled. We'd slept through lunch and were overdue for dinner. Besides, his comments about my using him to get away from dealing with my feelings were far too accurate. I had things I needed to settle in my own head, first. "About the only thing I'm coming on to is a plate of chicken parmesan at DeNicola's. My treat. Let's go." I rose from the futon, only then realizing I was in one of the easily removed dresses we'd gotten for Saturdays, sans bra or panties. It was a cotton floral print, long-sleeved with a row of buttons down the front. In some ways, it looked like the sort of soft, feminine, Bohemian thing Melissa would have worn. Only she'd had the legs for it and I didn't. It had been exciting to wear something in public that left me so accessible. No matter where we were, all that was required was a few buttons undone, or a skirt lifted, for Mulder to have any part of me he wanted. The dress itself really wasn't in bad shape for having been slept in, and DeNicola's ranged from casual to formal, but as for the lack of underwear, going out really wasn't an option. "We have to swing by home first, so I can pick up some underwear," I said, walking to the closet to retrieve our coats while Mulder rose and stretched. "No," he said, and his voice had taken on the tone that sent shivers down my spine. "I'd like you to go just as you are." I turned to him, my eyes wide. I thought we'd dropped the idea of playing today, but there he was going all dominant on me. My body reacted with a rush of arousal, my nipples getting hard beneath the cotton of the dress, even as my mind spun to catch up. Mulder looked at me calmly, a little bit of a challenge in his eyes. Maybe we weren't up to actually physically going back to where we had been, but we could go there mentally, still. A little cerebral foreplay to prepare for the day we were ready to pick up where we left off. But in order to do it, I needed to release my mind enough to let him take over and make the decisions for me. I needed to accept that if he didn't want me to wear a bra or panties to the restaurant, then I wouldn't, because it was his call. I would sit in the restaurant the entire time, bare beneath my dress, a delicious secret that only he and I knew. I would glance at the other patrons and wonder if they could see the extra sway of my flesh as I moved. I'd feel the wetness on my thighs and wonder if anyone suspected... "Okay. Let's go," I murmured, donning my long winter coat. With a secretive smile, I slipped on my shoes and preceded him out of the house. END of Aphrodisia VI